Tuesday, July 07, 2009


I sit here on this day thinking about so many things going on in my life. Trying not to think about work, but rather the important things in my life. I'm finding that I want to blog about these things as a way of sending them out into the world. To what end? I'm not sure. I'm not sure if it's just a way that I can get things out of my head, or if I'm hoping for an audience, or I'm looking for answers.

A year ago today, my son was born. My life is forever changed for the better. Not to say that life before Christopher wasn't good, but it has more meaning these days. Everything is seen in a different light. The trivial things I used to spend time doing, seem much more trivial. The desire to have those close to me, even closer, has certainly grown. My life feels simpler than it once was, but the joy in my life is overflowing.

I've struggled with who I should be writing these posts to. Who should I imagine is reading them? I think I've decided that I have to stop thinking about that because I think it hinders my willingness to write anything. In fact, I know it has hindered my writing. There have been, and still are, numerous topics floating in my head that I've wanted to blog about but haven't. Is that because there are people that I don't want to read them? Alternatively, is it because there are people that I want to read them (and might) so I want to ensure I say the things that accurately reflect my thoughts. Yes, there are people in my life that I want to read these, but I can't let that enter my head. I think the important thing is to write. My intention is to make a concerted effort to do just that.