Friday, October 04, 2013

What's in a Name?

I would think most, if not all, men my age will find the following conversation quite funny. Did I really just use the phrase "men my age"? Oh dear.
friend: random thing:
    me: k
friend: there is a new employee here at my work
friend: her name is sarah connor
    me: awesome
friend: i asked her... her last name is by marriage
friend: i told her otherwise she might have had the coolest parents in the world
    me: heh
    me: and a son who'll save the world
friend: yeah i did tell her that when she has a kid she has to name him 'john'
    me: would be tempting fate otherwise
friend: lol
friend: we've all taken to calling her by her full name
    me: like she doesn't want that on her conscious
friend: yeah you can only do so much to change the fate of the world
    me: "Is this the cube of Sarah Connor?"
friend: lol
friend: i know, i say that about everything
friend: no one calls her sarah, its always 'sarah connor'
friend: i ran into her in the parking lot the other day … 'is this the car of sarah connor?'
friend: she does at least have an updated hairstyle
    me: damn
    me: how many pullups can she do?
friend: only 10...
friend: behind the head ones
friend: oh wait, that was 'vasquez'
    me: ha! of course

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