Sunday, July 08, 2012

Political Tests

I had a funny encounter with one of my more distant cousins at the family reunion.  He said I have a trustworthy face and should run for politics.  He asked if I had ever thought about it and said I should talk to another of our cousins about his political connections.  Knowing my political leanings and the fact that they're on the other end of the spectrum from cousin #2, I thought he (cousin #1) was joking.  The look on my face must have given away my dismay at his suggestion because he then asked me if I was a democrat to which I gave my typical response, "I'm a left leaning independent".  He looked at me like I had 2 heads for a moment and then asked if I've ever taken a political test to determine my position.  I hadn't and didn't think I needed to.  I took a few minutes last night to find and complete 2 such tests.  No real surprise in the results.

First one:

Second one:

Third one:

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