Original Resolutions/goals post
1. Life - smoke cigars
No real update for this one. Our second baby will be here in July so that will certainly be an opportunity.
2. House - install microwave
Tada! As you can see in the photos, this one is done. The 3rd photo in the group here is where the microwave sat for 8 months. I must admit that the only role I played in getting this done was to find a contractor to do it for us. Luckily, I have found an awesome contractor who's done some other work for us and will continue to do work for us in the future.
3. House - hang paintings
No progress on this one primarily because it hasn't been on the top of the list. Now that the microwave is done, this moves up in priority.
4. Life - see a movie in the theater
Booya! This one is done too. Actually, I've seen 2 movies in the theater already this year. Jo and I had a date night in Jan and saw "Up in the Air". A very good show. Last week, Jeff and I saw "The Book of Eli". Also, a very good show. At this rate, I'll see more movies in the theater than I have in years. Still haven't seen "Avatar".
5. Life - shoot shotgun (w/Jeff)
No progress on this one and real effort due to weather. Come on Summer!
6. Life - go fishing (fly fishing)
Not to blame the weather on this one too, but it is easier to keep this one on hold while it's still cold. Although, now that it's starting to warm up, I am starting to feel the itch more and more. I don't want to say I'm confident that this one will get done (especially with the new baby on the way), but I'm very hopeful. We do have plans to go to Clear Creek in April, so that might be a good time to shoot for.
7. Life - improve job satisfaction
This one has been a struggle, and I'm a little reluctant to write much about it. Sadly, there's only so much I can do to really work on this one. I am hopeful for this one as it's one of the most important I feel.
8. Life - don't gain any more weight
Ugh... can I just skip this one for now (as I sit here eating trail mix)?
9. Life - blog once a month
Doing pretty good on this one. Not all of my posts have been at the same level, but I do feel like I've been doing a better job of getting my thoughts and feelings out there. Part of the issue that I struggle with is finding something other than the day to day to write about.
10. House - build a shed
Some progress has actually been made on this one, and I think I have a plan to get it accomplished. For information sake, I had a contractor give me a bid, and it was in the ballpark of what I was thinking (which is more than I want to pay). I've also done some research on buying a shed kit and either having it put together or doing it myself. The current plan is to buy a kit and put it together myself. I'm sure that it could be done over a weekend with some help from a friend or two.
11. Life - play basketball >=5 times
No progress here, but some of the guys I used to play ball with are starting to play on the occasional Sunday in addition to Tues and Thurs during lunch.
12. House - magicJack transition
According to magicJack's site, they were supposed to be coming out with a new version that would run on Linux. That has yet to happen. We've given some more thought to the idea of buying a new computer and I'm sure we'd end up with a Windows box, but that hasn't happened yet either. My wife has warmed up to the idea though due in large part to the number of phone solicitations we receive on a daily basis. It seems like the more money you donate, the more calls like that you receive.
13. Life - go to confession
No real progress to report here although my plan to read a book about the sacrament is on the horizon. I wanted to get through a few other things that I was reading before I started to work on this one. I've since finished those other things, and the next step is to talk to Greg about a book that he could recommend.
So, I'd say the tally to this point is 3/13 which isn't great, but I'm still hopeful. Progress is nice to see and with winter nearly behind us, I'm excited to see what the warmer weather brings.
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